Edited Audio Profile

My audio editing experience was really interesting. I interviewed my classmate, Jessica Peck. I enjoyed working with her and capturing her passion for photography. She was easy to interview and was very animated and lively with her answers which made it easy and comfortable to continue the conversation.

I learned that it is really important to have a wide variety of questions prepared. I found that as Jessi was answering one question, it correlated with two or three others and I was having to come up with other questions as we continued. This situation though is dependent upon the interviewee and their comfort and personality. She was elaborate enough for me to only be prepared with general questions, but people who are more reserved would require more specific questions. For this reason, I found that I would  prefer to establish a relationship with the person prior to the interview so I can learn more about them in order to prepare. I realize that this is an ideal situation and that I will usually just have to adapt.

I enjoyed the challenge of my first audio interview, which required that I monitor a variety of elements including the questions and were the interview was headed, the time the interview was running and that quality of the recording. My audio recorded is outdated and of low quality so I had to constantly make sure that it was still on. This definitely took my focus away from Jessi at times so I want to make sure that in the future, I can avoid this situation.

For my next audio interview, I am going to do several things differently. I want to acquire an audio recorder that has a better quality than the one I am currently using. Also, I realized the importance of preparing more for the subject and having a wide variety of questions even if I end up not using many of them. Aside from the interview itself, I found the editing portion to be really fun. I listened to the audio track so many times that I could practically recite it, but this allowed me to make informed decisions about which areas to cut or move. Next time, I want to be more adventurous and try different tools on Audacity. Hopefully, this will produce more interesting and entertaining audio interviews.

I am really excited about the potential that audio interviewing can hold and I think that as I move forward, I will become more confident with this new concept and my interviews and their quality, not only in sound but with content as well, will steadily improve.

2 thoughts on “Edited Audio Profile

  1. Pingback: Audio Critiques « zgreublog

  2. Pingback: Audio Profile Critique | andieknous

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